
The Hate U Give

It is nearly impossible to ignore the honorable mentions and accolades being handed over to debut novelist Angie Thomas for her YA book “The Hate U Give.” The literary world has been ablaze with praise for the Black Lives Matter inspired narrative. It has spent 49 consecutive weeks as the number one New York Times [...]

(Re)view: Whereas

Things I (re)learned from Layli Long Soldier’s debut collection of poetry, Whereas: On Saturday, December 19, 2009, US President Barack Obama signed the Congressional Resolution of Apology to Native Americans. No tribal leaders or official representatives were present to receive the Apology. President Obama never read the apology aloud publicly. Reservations have a suicide rate [...]


Parent-teacher conferences are around the corner and I have three IEP meetings this week. I am writing goals and progress notes like it's no one's business. By trade, I have been trained in the work of writing SMART goals for all of my students and clients. SMART as in: Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Realistic. and Timely. For [...]